Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sexy-Deece Aztec Hot Chocolate

10 oz chocolate milk
1 pinch red-pepper flakes
2 sprinklings dark chili powder
2 dashes cayenne pepper
1 wink all-spice
1 tussle ground cloves
1 tickle nutmeg
1 spank cinnamon
5 finger-globs honey mustard
1 finger-glob honey
1 finger-glob Deece custard
½ oz water

1 white mug
1 spoon

Squirt 10 oz chocolate milk into 1 white mug. Add 1 pinch red-pepper flakes, 1 sprinkling dark chili powder, 2 dashes cayenne pepper, 1 wink all-spice, 1 tussle ground cloves, 1 tickle nutmeg, and 1 spank cinnamon. Draw a picture of Quetzalcoatl on your belly with 5 finger-globs honey mustard. Place the white mug in the microwave, and heat for 1 minute and 45 seconds. Lick the honey mustard off of your fingers. Remove the white mug from the microwave. Draw a sun on your right cheek with 1 finger-glob honey, and draw a moon on your left cheek with 1 finger-glob Deece custard. Allow the Sexy-Deece Aztec Hot Chocolate to cool for approximately 1 minute and 32 seconds. Prostrate yourself before a window—east-facing if it is morning, west-facing if it is evening. Enjoy your Sexy-Deece Aztec Hot Chocolate. Lick your fingers again. Mix 1 sprinkling dark chili powder with ½ oz water in the bottom of the white mug, and spread the mixture across your upper and lower lip. Press your powdered lips against 1 Deece comment-card, fold the Deece comment-card, and place it in the Deece comment-card box.

Rating: Looks Deecegusting, but it's quite Deecent, really.

1 comment:

  1. Tried this tonight. It made my mouth water but it left me craving more. Come find me in my bed. I have a single.


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