Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chill-Deece Iced Chai Latte


12 oz hot chai latte
4 oz Vitamin D milk
10-15 ice cubes

1 clear plastic cup

Dispense 12 oz hot chai latte into 1 clear plastic cup. Pour 4 oz Vitamin D milk over the 12 oz hot chai latte. For best results, allow to cool for 5-10 minutes, then add 10-15 ice cubes. If you are in a hurry, it's alright to just add the ice cubes right away, without allowing the 12-oz-hot-chai-latte-4-oz-Vitamin-D-milk mixture to cool. You just won't have as chill of a Chill-Deece Iced Chai Latte. Now slurp it up. It tastes like Christmas. And it's honestly not so much worse than the swill you're likely to get at any "coffee shop" around campus. Or in most of Po-town, for that matter (since when does Tazo brewed in water with a trickle of milk pass for a latte?). Maybe wash it down with a Sexy-Deece Aztec Hot Chocolate.

For a super chill-wave twist, use 12 oz french vanilla instead of 12 oz hot chai latte. Still tastes like Christmas, and undying fucking disappointment.

Rating: Indeecent

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