Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pre-School-Deece Snack Time

Sometimes we feel like mature intellectuals who discuss gender binaries and the ambiguous status of the "middle class" within communist worldview. Sometimes we feel like sassy bitches and sexy thugs cruising for hotties at the latest mediocre dance event. Sometimes we feel like ripping our hair out in the library. And sometimes we just feel like we're four years old again.

Here are some recipes to create the perfect pre-school snack time for when you long for a simpler time.
Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich
2 slices of white bread **
1/2 banana sliced into small rounds
2 generous spoonfuls of peanut butter
-spread the peanut butter over one side of each piece of bread
-place the banana slices across the peanut buttered surface of one slice
-cover with the second slice
-cut off all the crusts
** can be substituted for whole wheat if you’ve forgotten what it feels like to be a kid

2 pieces of celery
2 spoonfuls of peanut butter
8 raisins
-remove some of the annoying stringy stuff from the celery slices
-fill the center of each slice to the brim with peanut butter
-place four raisins across the peanut butter on each piece

Smiley Face Pancake
1 cup of deece waffle batter
butter to cook with
an obscene amount of syrup that you later regret drenching your plate with
-in a frying pan at the stir fry station, melt a little butter
-pour in two small medallions of batter and one large circle
-cook until bubbles appear in the center of batter, then flip
-remove from pan
-pour remaining batter in a curved streak across the pan, cook as above
-place the two small medallions and the streak as the eyes and mouth upon the larger ‘face’ pancake
-smother with syrup and enjoy!
Serve all these with a glass of deece apple juice (watered down to reduce chances of sugar-induced hyper-ness)

Should be enjoyed with a friend who makes you feel like a kid again

Rating: Deecelicious, Deecelightful!

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